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Writer's pictureDr Mandy Lacy

These Leaders Make A Difference...

The Impact of Positive Leadership Comes From Investing in Your Own Professional Development…

We all know what its like when we are part of a team where the leadership style is challenging and not particularly constructive to good working relationships or productivity. After a while we often can start questioning ours elves and our own abilities and thinking that we are not good enough.

Being part of a team where we are valued, supported through the challenging times, where there is good communications, a desire for us to achieve and general respect as a colleague and professional – is such a satisfying experience.

Such is the impact of leadership – it sets the tone. Be it negative or positive there will be a domino effect that influences productivity and the bottom line.

What makes the difference? Leaders who are invested in professional development to improve the positive impact and influence they have - are the ones who are making the difference.

Research tells us that it is emotional intelligence that is the leadership quality that matters.

Increasing our own self-awareness and the impact we have on others and they have on us is the leadership edge. Understanding the influence we invoke on workplace relationships, business outcomes, team dynamics, conflict management and problem solving is one of the most insightful things a leader can do. Personal and professional development for leadership quality creates the point of difference. Taking time to check in with how your leadership style is impacting on your workplace relationships and achieving results is the best way to keep in touch with your day-to-day impact, influence and performance index.

Having the ability to analyse your leadership outcomes is at times challenging because it can mean being self-reflective and sometimes changing the way you do things. However, it can be the most illuminating, enjoyable and meaningful thing you can do that will bring you such satisfaction and a willingness to keep being learner of yourself in relation to others.

With all things that are quality – there are no quick fixes – only a commitment to become curious about yourself in relation to the roles you have and the impact factor on self and others. Investing in self reflection and leadership learning is such a stress buster, it allows you to learn from tense situations, prepare for challenging encounters and deal with difficult people and situations. It won’t be instantly easy. Your ability to deal more effectively with these situations improves as time goes by with practice and review.

Groups and teams are mirrors of the leadership style, ethics, practice and doing. Whether we like it or not leaders are role models. People take their cues from leaders and will often model leadership behaviours and expectations.

What leadership behaviours and attitudes have you noticed your team doing as a direct result from your leadership learning?

What has been your experience from the leadership professional development you have invested in?

From my own personal experience and from witnessing others I have come to know that it is the personal awareness that brings out the best leadership qualities. Making the investment in ourselves and commitment to continuous learning is where people value the effort most because of the continuous rewards.

If you are interested in leadership courses, professional supervision, leadership coaching or group coaching check out my website for the latest events or contact me to discuss what you are looking for or would like designed to suit you and/or your organisation.

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