Discover an exceptionally effective and non-confrontational way to learn a bit more about yourself and others…
TA for Personal Development
How Transactional Analysis (TA) could help you…
Understand why you think, feel and behave the way you do…
Improve your communication and relationships at work and home…
Recognise and avoid familiar patterns of behaviour that end up in the same old negative and predictable outcomes…
How you can think better about yourself and about others…
Learn to ‘contract’ with others so that you, and they, don’t make assumptions…
Have more fun in life
Understanding Self & Others is a fantastic 2-day introduction to TA. Its non-confrontational like many other self-empowerment workshops. Its non-judgemental. You can learn the models in a gentle, trusting environment and you choose how you want to apply them in your life.
If you are interested in learning a bit more about yourself, human and group dynamics, the interaction of people, how you could improve relationships and communication, this is a great place to start…
Click here to find out more about our TA101 course “Understanding Self & Others”…
Understanding Self & Others is a 2-day or 8 week online course of experiential learning and interaction with others. Experience your own ah-ha moments that deepen your understanding of yourself and discovering ways you can improve the relationships in your life whether they be personal or professional.
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